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For anonymous ordering, we recommend that you do not use your personal e-mail address.
Use free anonymous e-mail services such as:
1) Tutanota.com
2) Protonmail.com
3) Openmailbox.org
4) Mail2tor.com
You can also use the anonymous Tor Browser, you can download it at:
The above mails do not work well with the Tor Browser, so if you decide to use Tor, then use ONION mail:
1) http://mail2torjgmxgexntbrmhvgluavhj7ouul5yar6ylbvjkxwqf6ixkwyd.onion
2) http://eludemailxhnqzfmxehy3bk5guyhlxbunfyhkcksv4gvx6d3wcf6smad.onion
3) http://danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion
We did not place our site on the Onion or I2P darknet as this makes it difficult for our site to be found by ordinary inexperienced people.
However, we are located on the offshore north and visiting our website is safe.
All of the above emails have a built-in pass-through encryption option and have an increased level of security, unlike popular non-anonymous services like Gmail.
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