How to commit suicide — hire a hitman to kill you!
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How to Commit Suicide — A method of suicide is any means by which a person chooses to end his life. Suicide does not always end, and a failed suicide attempt can lead to serious physical injury, health problems that can be long-term, and brain damage.
All over the world, three methods of suicide prevail, typical for different countries. These are hanging, pesticide poisoning and firearms. Other common methods are high jumping and drowning.
Suicide decisions are often made on impulse and are believed to be preventable by removing the appropriate means. The decrease in the availability of conventional methods of suicide leads to an overall decrease in the number of suicides. Some ways to do this include removing the gun from the at-risk person’s home, alcohol abuse policies, and mental health treatment.
Research on suicide techniques is to identify those that are commonly used and groups at risk of suicide; reducing the availability of methods can be helpful in preventing suicide. Limiting the availability of drugs such as pesticides and firearms is recommended in the World Health Report on Suicide and Prevention. Early detection of mental and substance abuse disorders, follow-up of those who attempted suicide, and responsible media coverage are all seen as key to reducing suicide rates. National suicide prevention strategies are also promoted using comprehensive and coordinated suicide prevention measures. This should include recording and monitoring suicide and attempted suicide, disaggregated by age, sex and method.
This information allows public health resources to focus on issues that are relevant in a particular location, for a given population or sub-population. For example, if a firearm is used with a significant number of suicides in one location, then public health policy may focus on the safety of the weapon, such as keeping the gun locked and the key not available to family members at risk. If young people are found to be at increased risk of suicide due to overdose of certain drugs, then an alternative class of drugs can be prescribed instead, a safety plan and drug monitoring can be introduced, and parents can be trained on how to prevent drug accumulation for the future. attempted suicide.
Method substitution is the process of choosing another method of suicide when the first choice method is not available. Method substitution has been measured for decades, so when the general method is limited, for example by reducing the toxicity of household gas, the overall suicide rate can be lowered for many years. If a first-choice suicide method is not available, a substitution may be made to a method that may be less lethal, resulting in fewer completed suicides.
In the United States, firearms are used in less than 5% of attempts but fatal in about 90% of cases. As such, they are the leading cause of suicide deaths in the United States as of 2017. Typically, the bullet will be aimed at point blank range, often at the temple or, less commonly, at the mouth, under the chin, or at the chest. Globally, the prevalence of firearms among suicides varies widely depending on the acceptance and availability of firearms in a given culture. The use of firearms for suicide ranges from less than 10% in Australia to 50.5% in the United States, where it is the most common method of suicide.
Surviving oneself after a shot can lead to severe chronic pain, as well as decreased cognitive and motor function, subdural hematoma, foreign bodies in the head, pneumocephalus, and cerebrospinal fluid leaks. For bullets aimed at the temporal bone, frequent late intracranial complications are temporal lobe abscess, meningitis, aphasia, hemianopsia, and hemiplegia. Up to 50% of people with gunshot wounds to the temporal bone suffer from facial nerve damage, usually from a severed nerve.
There is a positive association between the availability of firearms and an increased risk of suicide. This relationship is most strongly established in the United States. This association is almost certainly not due to confusion, as any confounding risk factor that could explain this association would have to meet many implausible criteria. Those who have access to firearms as part of their profession are more likely to commit suicide with a firearm — 91.5% of suicides committed by police officers in America have been associated with the use of firearms. The United States has the highest number of suicides and firearms in circulation in a developed country, and as gun ownership increases, so does the number of suicides with firearms. In the United States, more firearms are used for suicide than for murder. Those who have recently purchased a firearm are at high risk of suicide within a week of purchasing.
A 2004 National Academy of Sciences report found a link between perceived home firearm ownership and gun suicide rates, although a study by two Harvard researchers found no statistically significant association between domestic firearms and gun suicide rates. firearms, with the exception of child suicide. at the age of 5-14 years. Another study found that gun prevalence rates are positively associated with suicide rates among people aged 15 to 24 and 65 to 84, but not among those aged 25 to 64. Case-control studies conducted in the United States have consistently shown a link between firearms. at home and an increased risk of suicide, especially if there is a loaded weapon in the house. Numerous environmental and time series studies have also shown a positive association between gun ownership and suicide rates. This association tends to only exist for gun-related suicides and general suicides, not for non-firearm-related suicides. A 2013 review found research consistently found a link between gun ownership and gun-related suicide, with a few exceptions. A 2016 study found a positive association between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and suicide among men, but not among women; Gun ownership has been strongly associated with gun-related suicide among women. The 1980s and early 1990s saw a strong upward trend in gun suicide among adolescents, as well as a sharp overall rise in suicide among people aged 75 and over. A 2014 systematic review and meta-analysis found that access to firearms was associated with a higher risk of suicide.
In the United States, states with stricter gun laws have lower overall suicide rates. A 2006 study found that the decline in gun-related suicide accelerated in Australia after the National Firearms Agreement was adopted there. The same study found no evidence of substitution with other methods. Numerous studies in Canada have shown that the number of suicides with firearms decreased after gun control, but methods such as hanging increased without changing the overall rate. Similarly, a study in New Zealand found that suicide rates